Photo Composition

Today’s workshop looked at how to use photo composition of still life to express/reflect feelings. Prior to this workshop we were asked to bring into uni five items that mean something to us. We weren’t given any indication as to what we would be using these five items for just asked to bring them in. When we got into the workshop we were given eight words, they were as follows:

  1. Anger
  2. Fear
  3. Sadness
  4. Happiness
  5. Perplexity
  6. Terra
  7. Nostalgia
  8. Sophisticated

We were given a brief informing us that the printed images should not be retouched in Photoshop except for colour correction. We had access to lighting and were able to take the photographs wherever we wished.

Photography is not really my forte and can’t say that it particularly excited me that morning. However, I came to university to try new things so I did. I had my favourite CD, my eternity ring, my rescue remedy, my favourite pencil and some nose studs. An interesting combination I think you’ll agree. Had I known what we were doing perhaps I would have chosen some different items but maybe that was the whole idea to just create a still life out of everyday objects. I paired up with one of my classmates and together we produced some photographs.

I think the idea of this exercise was to show us that just using everyday objects and different types of lighting, photographic techniques, and composition can produce an image which needs no words to describe what it means.

On reflection I think perhaps I need a lot more work on doing this kind of thing. I tried really hard to produce something for each of the feelings requested-not sure I quite managed it correctly, what do you think?

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